The Béa Treatment - onboarding & support

The Béa Treatment - onboarding & support

Project type
Service designResearch


The Béa Applicator is a physical medical device that is used at home. Due to regulatory constraints, the user only receives the physical devices, semen containers and instructions in their Béa Treatment Kit to be used during ovulation. However, trying to conceive is much more than just those fertile days during ovulation.

At launch in 2023, the aim for the wrap around support (the Béa Treatment Experience) was to ensure every Béa user knew what to do throughout a cycle home insemination.

Key terms Béa Applicator = a medical device used to perform insemination at home Béa Treatment Kit = the physical box with Béa Applicators, accessories and instructions Cycle = duration of one menstrual cycle TTC = trying to conceive (get pregnant)

What was done

With support from our CPO George Thomas and the brilliant fertility coach & embryologist Sandy Christiansen, I leveraged everything I had learned through research to create an email support programme. The emails were timed to support the user throughout their first cycle, starting from order to managing future cycles if they were not successful.

The cornerstone of the experience was the Béa Treatment Guide, a PDF users could access at any time, download or even print to have on hand (at least two users did this!). The Guide was written by Sandy and designed by myself.

Why email? Quick to set up, easy to adapt, accessible to every user without downloads, easy to monitor performance
Want to see the guide? Just ask, I’ll be happy to share it via email!


The impact was monitored through ongoing user interviews and quantitative data available. Through interviews I was able to confirm that every user knew when to use their Béa Applicator, were reassured by the post-purchase emails and knew how to order more kits if they were needed.

In the first three months since launch:

  • 70% of all users downloaded the Treatment Guide
  • 80% of all users completed their onboarding
  • 95% of users interviewed said their support materials they received helped them complete their first cycle with confidence