Helping security guards make decisions based on AI alerts from scratch

Helping security guards make decisions based on AI alerts from scratch

Project type


ThirdEye Labs was a London based machine learning startup acquired by Standard Cognition in 2021. I was the first and only product designer at ThirdEye between 2019-2021, working with the machine learning and software engineering teams on translating machine learning outcomes to end users. ThirdEye created a computer vision model to detect concealments in retail environments in real time, creating image and video alerts of concealments, potential thefts, occurring in the store. These alerts would be sent to the end-user, primarily a security guard, with the metadata of where and when the alert was created.

My role

  • User research into security work in retail, understanding existing workflows and challenges

Designing a mobile app for users to view and action AI alerts on the go, including:

  • User journeys
  • Wireframing
  • UI
  • Usability testing
  • QA process
  • Continuous performance research



  • Making decisions based on AI alerts without knowing the reasoning behind an alert - why was this activity picked up? How can I know if the model was wrong?
  • For most of the users this was their first interaction with machine learning outside voice assistants.
  • The user expectations for machine learning were very high.
  • Incorporating ThirdEye alerts as a new tool into existing workflows and processes.


  • All end users were using the app on the same device, a simple Android smartphone, with limited storage, slow operating speed and, by today’s standards, small screens.
  • The devices didn’t have a mobile data connection and relied on often intermittent in-store Wi-Fi


User success


  • Users learned how to use the app and alerts incredibly quickly, most of the time learning from their colleagues on the job.
  • Positive feedback: users described the app as their “second set of eyes behind their heads”
  • Used in over 50 supermarkets in the UK and Europe, by hundreds of security guards
    • Including most major supermarket chains in the UK
  • Prevented thousands of pounds of theft

The ThirdEye App

Alert & user journey


Key requirements

  • View as many alerts as possible at one time
  • See aisle and time since alert was created at a glance
  • Discard irrelevant alerts quickly but keep suspicious alerts for follow up
  • Annotate alerts after follow up is over

UI & Style kit


Selected screenshots

Primary alert view
Primary alert view
Alert annotation
Alert annotation
Alert history & filter
Alert history & filter